Backing young people

I believe that every young person should be able to get a good place in a good school, get an apprenticeship, job, or a place at university and get onto the housing ladder locally. I am working with local schools and employers to improve the chances of young people with special educational needs to gain work experience.


Greg visits Mascalls School

Greg enjoyed meeting a group of sixth formers during a visit to Mascalls School in Paddock Wood.

The school made a short film of Greg's visit which you can see here.

Greg visits Oakley School

Greg was delighted to attend an assembly at Oakley School. Some of the pupils had visited the Houses of Parliament recently and they had lots of questions to ask him.

Greg Visits Bishops Down Primary School

On a visit to Bishops Down Primary School, Greg took questions from the school council over lunch, then held a mock House of Commons debate for the Key Stage 2 classes during their assembly.

Greg meets Bidborough's School Parliament

Greg was quizzed by members of Bidborough Church of England Primary School's School Parliament during a visit to the school.

He also held a mock debate for the rest of the school during their assembly.

Greg opens new classroom at Broadwater Down Primary School

Greg was delighted to open a new classroom at Broadwater Down Primary School. Just before cutting the ribbon, Greg spoke to the pupils in a school assembly about the work of an MP and also ran a mock parliamentary debate.