Greg Clark MP has had a follow up meeting with SGN over the works being conducted on Major York’s road.
This meeting followed on from one Greg held earlier in the week where it was have agreed SGN will:
- Review the phasing of the traffic lights to see if there are changes that would reduce the queues of traffic. In particular there seems to be an imbalance between the longer queues coming into Tunbridge Wells compared to the queue leaving town.
- Try to secure additional workers to extend working hours (although I was told that the next phase is the most complex from an engineering point of view and needs specialist manpower.)
- Accelerate work to reduce the current four-way traffic lights to three-way traffic lights so that the waiting times for each phase reduce.
Greg was pleased to learn that SGN have managed to secure another team from Ashford, which will serve to speed up the processes.
The four way traffic restrictions will be reduced to a three way restrictions in the coming days, which will serve to reduce the congestion and traffic waiting times.
Greg’s full update can be watched below.