
Greg pushes for step-free High Brooms station

Greg has called for High Brooms station to be made step-free, after the Government announced up to £300 million of funding for the 'Access to All' programme – which pays for access improvements at stations.

Greg supports work of local domestic abuse support charity

Greg was interested to hear about a number of new projects that the Domestic Abuse Volunteer Support Service (DAVSS) has underway during a visit to meet the charity's new Chief Executive, Henu Cummins. Greg commented: "DAVSS does important work in our community.

Greg launches Sainsbury's local charity of the year

Greg met Suzi Mitchell, Chief Executive and Founder of the charity Taylor Made Dreams, which has been chosen as the Local Charity of the Year at Sainsbury's store in Tunbridge Wells. Taylor Made Dreams works to enable children with life-limiting illnesses to help them draw up and fulfil a 'bucket l

Joint letter urges regulatory change

Greg and Tonbridge MP Tom Tugendhat have issued a joint letter to the Department of Transport in which they question the effectiveness of the current regulatory framework in combating aircraft noise and highlight the impact of this noise is having on their constituents. See attached for t

Greg makes at splash at Rose Hill

Greg cut the ribbon on the new swimming pool at Rose Hill School on Friday, planting an azalea to mark the formal opening of the recently completed facility. Addressing pupils, teachers and governors, Greg said: “This is a wonderful new pool, replacing the old outdoor one.  It will bring year

Greg meets winners of Tunbridge Wells chess tournament

Greg attended the second annual Tunbridge Wells chess tournament, sponsored by Savills, which attracted two International Grand Masters and two International Masters, as well as one of the most promising young players in the UK, nine year old Shreyas Royal. A total of 84 players took part in the to

Greg opens new outdoor classroom at Goudhurst & Kilndown Primary School

Greg was delighted to officially open a new outdoor classroom at Goudhurst & Kilndown CE Primary School. The new building called 'The Hide', along with a beautiful re-landscaped pond will enhance the children's outdoor studies. Greg said: "There are not many schools that can boast of such fan